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Gut Problems

Ever been to a Naturopath to discuss fatigue or emotions or sleep and they insist on asking about your guts?

Any indigestion? Any problems with excessive gas? Any allergies or Intolerances to foods?

Yes! Maybe? I don’t know…

How do you know when your bloating and gas is a food allergy? Or when it is a food intolerance? What if it is inhaled mold or pollen doesn’t that do the same stuff?

Is it an infection? I have diarrhea but I also get that after dairy? Maybe I ate dairy!

If I sacrifice and remove all of my favourite foods but if I eat like a normal person I get instantly bloated and look pregnant. FML

I have had so many diagnosis and differential diagnosis and second and third and friends opinions I am stuck and do not know what to do.

Is it…

  • SIBO – small intestinal bacterial overgrowth = excessive bugs overflow from large bowel into small bowel
  • Dysbiosis = too much and / or wrong type of microbes in your bowel
  • FODMAP = intolerance to different types of sugars because of too many and / or wrong type of microbes
  • Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) = mucosal immune dysregulation due to too many and / or wrong type of bugs
  • Inflammatory bowel disorders (IBD) = mucosal immune dysregulation and autoimmunity due to too many and / or wrong type of bugs
  • Immune dysregulation? Autoimmune, allergic or intolerance? Due to too many and / or wrong type of bugs
  • Leaky gut wall is a consequence of all of the above
  • Candida – that might be one of the overgrown bugs feeding on sugar
  • Parasites – that might be one of the wrong things overgrown
  • Too much acid or not enough – is controlled by bugs feeding on fibre or sugar

The prevalence of all of these conditions is sky-rocketing to epidemic proportions and following a similar trend to the spike in obesity and autism. And they share common links.

Look at that list above and see the patterns.

Too many of the wrong type of bugs living in your guts

+ They feed on sugar and create toxins

= The combination of the toxins they make and the immune response to their presence creates symptoms. Your unique combination of signs and symptoms leads to your diagnosis.

Why me?

Our food has changed

  • Our foods have less fibre and modbiotic polyphenols compared to sugar
  • extra chemicals like glyphosate (round up)
  • Our eating has changed
    • We don’t eat with seasons. We have a balanced but not a varied diet
    • No more feast and famine
    • We eat on the run
    • We eat too much processed foods

Our guts have bugs that outnumber us 10:1. When we eat; we feed them first. When we grow; they grow. In fact 10-20% of the mass of your poo and on average 1 to 2 kg of your total body weight is gut microbes. They feed on sugar and make gas and chemicals and induce immune activation to control their growth.

It is these guts bugs that will control a lot of our digestive processes, as well as immune and our gut wall integrity. The different combinations of symptoms can lead to different diagnosis and that is why there are so many different versions of similar problems.

After 20 years naturopathic clinic experience I can let you in on a little secret; the initial treatment concept is usually the same;

  1. Replace the missing polyphenols with herbs and spices,
  2. Replace missing fibre if deficient
  3. Reduce the sugar in the diet.

In 90% of times this works every time and then for the stubborn cases retesting showed on the right track and no change to treatment is needed. On rare occasions further testing was needed and a rare infection or missing enzyme was discovered and treatment plan changed or expectations of time frame is changed.

The polyphenols and fibre offset the fermentation, immune activation and microbial overgrowth in your guts when sugar is fed to microbes. There is no coincidence that just as polyphenols disappear from our food and sugar peaks we see a surge in gut problems. Before anything get your GUTRIGHT.


And take 1 teaspoon 3 x daily for 10 days to reduce microbial load while following the specific carb diet plan 

And then drop back to 1 teaspoon daily after that to maintain good gut health and follow the Modbiotic ™ diet plan long term to maintain. (coming soon)