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Arginine Nitrate – NO3-T™

Increased Vasodilation. Increased blood flow for greater nutrient delivery, increased performance, recovery and fat burning.(3)

Has been shown to positively increase Growth Hormone (GH). A powerful muscle building and fat burning hormone. (4)

Improve glucose metabolism and carbohydrate uptake.

Citruline Malate

Increased Vasodilation. Creating an increase in blood flow and nutrient delivery for increased performance, recovery and fat burning. (1)

Reduces fatigue and increases stamina by recycling Lactic Acid.

Some studies have shown an increase of GH up to 66.8% higher than non-supplemented subjects. (2)

Improved mental cognition.

Works synergistically with L-Arginine.

Creatine Anhydrous - BioCRE™

Increase Power (7)

Increase Speed (7)

Increase Energy

Boost Muscle Protein Synthesis (6)(8)

100% Pure Creatine vs 88% Creatine in Monohydrate

Beta Alanine

Reduces fatigue and increases stamina by controlling Lactic Acid and recycling it for energy.

Increased Vasodilation. Increased blood flow for greater nutrient delivery, increased performance, recovery and fat burning.

Powerful Anti-Oxidant for reduced cellular damage.

Reduced mental fatigue.

Increased Power and Endurance (5)

Increased lean muscle tissue. (5)

Caffeine Anhydrous

Increases fat oxidation (burning).

Many studies that have measured weight tend to note that weight gain over time is suppressed when consuming caffeine.

Reduces fatigue

Increases Stamina and Endurance

Increases Focus and Energy.


Powerful Anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory compound.

Regulates Blood Sugar for greater appetite control and fat burning.

Rejuvenates brain cells and increases alertness and focus.

PurEnergy– (Pterostilbene – Caffeine)

30% more bioavailable than regular caffeine

25% longer half-life than regular caffeine (stays in the blood stream 25% longer)

At 4 hours there was 45% more caffeine & at 6 hours 51% more caffeine in the blood stream than regular caffeine.

At 6 hours test subjects experienced increased focus, alertness and reduced fatigue and regular caffeine users did not.

No Energy CRASH